- Increase the dynamic range of your conscious experience.
- Act out of love, not fear
- surround yourself with people who are better than you are
- work harder than you think you should
- Don't be an information hoarder - there is a big gap between knowledge and executing upon it for most people. It's always easy to procrastinate and say that you need to learn more about a thing before you actually start working on it.
- If you're in an exploration phase, explore in a goal-driven way; everything else is procrastination.
- Our mind gets externally programmed through information external input. Create a system where you program your mind yourself in your way through visualization and autosuggestion.
- A lot of things matter a little, a few things matter a lot.
- Get to know people in the internet, make friends in real life.
- Tackle the monkey - do the hard thing first, don't get lost in side journey
- Most of our physical and mental habits are a result of accessibility heuristic - building an environment which makes your desired outcome as accessible as possible is key
- Don't copy the decision-making made by others → first principle thinking
- Consciously design my own life
- Data is everywhere
- Surround yourself with champions league players
- The best things in life are free
- Don't be aimless
- There is lots of value in discussion → collaboration is a fast-forward way towards inspiration
- There is a lot of value in freedom
- A minimalist physical environment leads to clarity of mind
- Regret is the strongest pain
- If you want to learn, you first need to know what's right and in what sense you are not right. There would be no reason for learning if you know that your current state is the same as the desired outcome - so learning is about closing the gap between the current state and what's right.